December 13

Weekend Bulletin
Children’s Bulletin
St Vincent de Paul Orientation Registration Link
Family of the Month

Christmas Mass Times:
12/24 at 4, 4:15, 6, 10 PM
12/25 at 8 & 9:30 AM
*6 PM Christmas Eve Mass to be Live streamed. More details to come.

Advent Confession Times:
Extra Confession - December 17, 18, 23 at 7 PM
Communal Penance Service - December 22 at 7 PM

Fr Terry’s Teaching…

Growing up, anticipation always got my juices running. But to maintain that energy, I always looked for a glimpse of the goal. This Third Sunday of Advent is that glimpse and promise that what we are waiting for is getting close.  We wear a Rose colored vestment to recognize that we are getting close to the Christmas Celebration and Season. I have always thought of it like watching the sun come up. As the sun gets close the sky produces colors to let us know. Often I see a pink and then rose color to the sky. It always excites me to look forward to the light of the sun.  And for us: the light of the SON.

I have to admit that when we come to the Fourth Sunday (week) of Advent, I love when Christmas is latter in the week. All through my life I have always wanted and desired to make the most of something that is important. Not to rush through or to get caught off guard because I have procrastinated and wait to the end to do everything I need to do to be ready. Too many times growing up, I have faced the consequences of procrastination. I am happy to say that as an adult that rarely happens.

But back to this Third Week of Advent. It is known as Gaudete Sunday and in simple terms: Rejoice Sunday. We rejoice in knowing the power of love (God’s gift of love – Jesus) is in our lives.  Jesus/ God has been in our lives as we remember the past. Jesus/God is present right now or as my aunt used to say: God is a presence of the here and now in our lives. Jesus/God is leading us into the future when His plan of Salvation opens the gates of Heaven for us.  On our journey of faith together as the family of God and individually, we actively progress. The first week we were to Watch. The second week we were to Stay Awake. This third week we are to Rejoice. And the fourth week we are to Behold.  It is a journey well taken! It is a journey we long for! It is a journey to God’s plan of Salvation for us!   


12 Days of Christmas


Feast of the Immaculate Conception