July 12

Weekend Bulletin
Children’s Bulletin

Fr Terry’s Teaching…
An update for you on our Parish, January 1st is the start of a new year, the first Sunday of Advent is the start of the liturgical church year, and July is the start of the reporting year for church finances and statistics.
Sacramentally from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020:
Baptisms: 62 children
Adults brought into Full Communion with the church: 9
First Confession and First Communion: 63
Confirmations: 61
Anointing: we usually do a communal celebration at all the masses during 4 weekends each year. Since the virus, that has only happened on individual requests.
Marriages: 21
Ordinations: 0 (don’t forget to encourage vocations)
Deaths: 37
The reality that you all know is that the norm is no longer, and the longer the virus goes on there will be no return to the old norm of operating as a parish. The thought that comes to mind often for me is like when a baby is brought home. No longer are the parents in charge. Their life forever is changed. The baby sets the time table of the days, and when they get older, parents more often than not, design the day’s activities first around their children than their wants.
Ministries disrupted by the virus: Mass obligations; Hospital visits; our ministry to the homebound; Liturgical ministers such as servers, choirs, greeters, gift bearers, to mention a few.
As time goes by, more volunteers are available. Our giving is about 80% of normal (which will eventually trickle down to our school system). Our attendance at weekend masses is flirting with 1,000 (roughly 1/3 of our normal attendance). I do have to say how much I miss things like the children’s collection. Often the lectors tell me seeing their smiling and enthusiastic faces is their favorite part of the Mass. I am so grateful to all of you, God’s family in this Parish. We are the strength for each other in getting through this with the help of God.
So overall, because of your commitment and prayers, we are still alive and functioning well as a Parish family. Thank you to every one of you. May God bless and guide us in the days ahead!


Annual Rummage Sale


July 5