July 26

Weekend Bulletin
Children’s Bulletin

God’s call during this challenging time
Just about everything in our daily lives has changed in these past months, except God’s love for us!  All the changes required have challenged us to be creative in finding ways to worship, work, play, stay connected to family, shop, and even eat! 
So what is God calling us to do with all of this?
During this time of transition, take time to listen to what God is calling you to do/to be.   Do you have a neighbor who needs a smile as you walk by? Or they may need some help with yard or groceries.   Maybe a relative or friend would be cheered by a hand written note.  How about an outdoor picnic for the neighborhood!  We need to socialize!!! 
As coordinator for many of the volunteers in our parish, I have been blessed to hear stories of kindness received and kindness given.  Some volunteers have done double duty delivering Meals on Wheels, while those with health concerns minister by praying for us.  Other volunteers put on their masks and plastic gloves to shop and prepare a meal for us to take to the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House.   (Only BDHH staff serve the meals during this time.)  A group of early risers gathered to prepare breakfast at The Banquet on July 3.  A few helpers aided in our recent mailing to parishioners.  Many intercessors on our email prayer chain have been faithful to pray from their homes.
We are blessed to be able to come together to celebrate Mass, while keeping in mind the health precautions.   We use fewer ministers and it is a challenge to sing with a mask on, but we gather around the Table to be transformed by Christ’s presence.  Those who worship from their homes join us as part of our Communion of Saints. 
So back to God’s call: Is He calling you to first of all spend more time in prayer?  Is God calling you to organize a group for singles?! Be a member of the Prayer Chain ministry?  Do you have a longing to proclaim the Word at Mass, to share the Body of Christ as Eucharistic Minister, to show hospitality as an usher or greeter?  Deliver Meals on Wheels?  Brown some hamburger for the meal for the Bishop Dudley house?  Be a teacher for Religious Ed?  Youth Group? Be a cantor or pianist?   Or ????
You may contact me if you feel called/nudged to do these or any other ministry.  We are open to creative ways to serve each other and share God’s Good News!
Peace of Christ,
Jane Derrington, Volunteer Coordinator


Anything But Ordinary Time


July 19