November 15

Weekend Bulletin

Sunday the 15th I turn 66. Believe it or not, I have been acting like an adult for 45 years now. Yet there are still days when I wish my mom was here to mother me. There would have been no hesitation, especially during my recent fight with Covid. There was something powerful in her mother’s love for us. As I reflect on my experience here at St. Michael’s, I see constant evidence that the children of this parish feel the same way about both their mother’s love and their father’s love. In many ways, we could not handle most of life without that gift of love. That gift of love reflects on the type of family-style parish we want and need. I think of the Mother Church as having a mother’s love. I have experienced that recently through parishioner’s care and supportive prayers for me. It may seem odd, but thanks for mothering me. I have always been lifted by God the Father’s love. Sadly some times I take it for granted because it is so faithful and constant. Yet I have never felt alone because of it. As we approach the celebration of Thanksgiving, may we have grateful hearts filled with Love!


Totally Catholic


November 8