November 1

Weekend Bulletin

Fr Terry’s Teaching…
Looking ahead and planning ahead is important but difficult. As you know everything seems to be in flux with the COVID and other things. One thing the parish council talked about was Christmas Masses. Usually we have the Advent and Christmas Schedules out a couple weeks before the First Sunday of Advent. Which means somewhere around November 12th or 13th. Ok some of you are saying to yourself, Friday the 13th? Remember we are not superstitious in our faith. Ha! At the council we were just floating ideas and decided we should probably have some contingent option of plans. Some of the ideas were because the first Christmas Eve Mass is the largest ( and we normally have the mass and an overflow mass 15 minutes later in the Multipurpose Room) and with three priests, maybe to social distance we could have the main mass and two overflow masses, one in the multipurpose room and the other in the gym. Should we add another mass? Usually the Christmas Day masses are lightly attended. Should we advertise that if you feel more comfortable about being at a lighter attended mass that you make an effort to go to a Christmas Day Mass. Should we live stream one of them? Should we try a car radio mass in the parking lot? Should we have everyone sign up for a mass on a first come basis? Should we demand that at the Christmas Masses everyone is required to wear a mask? I will be meeting with the rest of the pastor’s in town in two weeks, to see what their plans are. Anyway we have done our very best to practice safety here at St. Michael’s and I want you to know that we will continue to do so. I decided until a vaccine is present and effective, we will continue to offer the 2 extra masses each weekend. As you can imagine every ministry at our parish has been affected but most of you might not know to what extent. Therefore, in the upcoming bulletins we will have a short explanation and how it has been affected so you get a better idea of our parish in these turbulent times. May God Keep us all safe!


November 8
