April 18

Weekend Bulletin

Deacon’s Digest

What is April known for???

April is known for many things like April Fool’s Day, Earth Day, and Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday. April is (usually) known for Holy Week and Easter and the Feast Day of St Mark.

But April in our Church has also been designated "Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Month" and this is what I hoped to talk to you about in this article. Naturally, every person should be diligent in watching for signs of child sexual abuse every month and every day but this month is set aside to bring special attention and awareness. Statistically, 1 in 7 boys and 1 in 4 girls will be victims of sexual abuse. Those are stats we should be shocked and appalled by. These young people deserve protection and security and it is OUR job to our best in ensuring it. 

A great deal of sexual abuse is never reported. That is why we have to be especially aware of the children in our care and in our lives. We need to notice changes in their cheerfulness, their hygiene, and their personality and do our best to find people (counselors, etc.) who can work with them. Many kids NEVER report the abuse because they are afraid. I was sexually abused when I was 11 years old (NOT by anyone in the Church) and didn't tell anyone about that for 40 years. Children need to know that they are safe, that the abuser can not harm them or their families and that they are loved and cherished. 

Warning Signs:

The child does not want to see a person they used to be close to.
Their academic performance declines.
No longer is interested in activities they used to enjoy.
Changes in personality.
Demonstrates aggressive behavior or is constantly angry.
Withdraws from family and friends.
Tries to hide the use of technology.

Things you can do:
Teach your children the difference between safe and unsafe touching.
Tell your children that saying ‘NO’ is OK.  Empower your child to “no” to anyone who makes them uncomfortable or tries to touch them inappropriately
Tell your child to report any unsafe touch. You should also identify other adults they can tell (teachers, relatives, neighbors, etc.)
Make sure your child knows that you trust them and that you will take any report of abuse they make seriously.

For most of us, it means that we pray, pray, pray. Please pray that every child may be safe and that those who have been harmed can find healing and peace.

 A Prayer for Survivors of Abuse

God our Father, send the Holy Spirit to breathe wisdom into our prayers and labor. Grant that all harmed by abuse may find healing and peace. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our crucified and risen Lord, Amen.


April 25


April 11