February 14

Weekend Bulletin
Children’s Bulletin

Fr Terry’s Teaching
This Wednesday, we will celebrate Ash Wednesday and the start of the Lenten Season. I begin the Lenten season with a mental dump. Just as physically we are super busy in our lives, we reach the point of saying, “I can’t possibly add one more thing to my schedule.” I am exhausted and run down. Like the story of the scattering of the seed, I decided to do something for Lent. But if there is no room for the roots, the seed withers and ceases to exist. My Lenten commitment does the same. I begin strong, but then it slowly dies out.
My mental dump clears out a room in my busy life and helps me visualize and set the right priorities. I let go of the clutter of my life, the things that demand time but fail to enrich my life. I decided to look at people and situations during Lent as if God was my glasses to focus my sight and make things clear. Because I have created room in my life, God becomes more than just an occasional guest. Making mental space allows me to stay committed to my Lenten goals and desires to deepen my relationship with God. Surprisingly by deepening my relationship with God, I find my relationships with people to be healthier and more fruitful.
I also do a daily reminder to myself. That is why I stop shaving during Lent. Looking at this face every day reminds me of the Lenten Commitment I have made. Now most men and all women and children will not stop shaving. What daily reminder are you going to use? I have a friend who cuts out six purple crosses. She puts them in different places to reminder her throughout the day. She affixes these crosses to her bathroom mirror and her fridge while placing others in prominent places like her dinner table, pillow, in her car, and at her desk. Take these days to prepare and to decide what reminders you are going to use. Happy Growing Lent!


February 21


February 7