February 21

Weekend Bulletin

Here we are, on the 1st Sunday of Lent, 2021. Lent is often looked at as a time of giving things up so it can seem to be a bit of a “downer”. We make great plans at the beginning (like New Year’s Resolutions) and then have a terrible time abiding by them—which just adds to the distress. On top of that, we have been living in what seems like a penitential time already with all of the social norms and restrictions due to the Coronavirus. We have to wear masks, keep our distance, isolate, quarantine, and use lots and lots of hand sanitizer.
So, what do we do? I think we live this Lent a bit differently than most. Of course, we still observe the fasting and abstinence that go along with Lent (we fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, we don’t eat meat on any Friday during the Lenten Season). But beyond that, I think we try and live this Lent a little differently. Here are a few suggestions:

Find a great spiritual book to read—one that inspires you to live a life of joy and faith:
Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly
I Saw God Laugh by Matthew Kelly
The Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen
Any book by Fr. Henri Nouwen
My Other Self by Clarence Enzler
Tattoos on the Heart by Fr Boyle
Barking at the Choir by Fr Boyle

Read a book that teaches you something about your faith:
Catholicism by Bishop Barron
Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed
Any book by Scott Hahn
Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict
Love that Satisfies by Christopher West
Letter to a Suffering Church by Bishop Barron
A Catholic Guide to the Bible by Fr Lukefahr

Besides this reading material, there are dozens of great blogs, webinars, homilies, reflections, and other online programming to grow spiritually and find out lots more about your Catholic faith. Try:
Word on Fire
Jesuit Prayer
Pray as you Go
Revive Parishes
... and so on.

If you need to give something up for Lent to make yourself holier, healthier, or happier please do so. But above all, live your faith with profound joy, hope, love, kindness, and patience. Exercise the Fruits of the Spirit and others will observe the way you live and ask “What do you have that I don’t?” And then you tell them!


February 28


February 14