July Updates

Things you should know about at St. Michael’s beginning in July
What I am sharing with you now will go into to effect starting in July.  It will be in effect from July 1 to August 31.  At which time we will once again evaluate and adjust.  The purpose of these choices is to better serve you and to provide for your safety as best we can.  Once again, I appeal to you to please wear a mask when attending Mass.  You might not need it or like to, but we need to be aware of caring for all people’s needs and worries as Christ did.
Weekend Mass days and times (July and August) are as follows:
Saturday - 4:00 and 6:00 PM
Sunday - 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Starting in July:
Funeral Luncheon will be possible
Groups can start using our facilities again (with cleaning responsibly)
Office will remain closed – call if you need something
Starting in August:
Office will be open on weekdays from 8 AM to 5 PM
We will be selling gift cards in the office only during weekdays
We will be restoring Tuesday Confessions at 5 PM
Things we will continue:
Spaced seating
Cleaning the church after every function that takes place
Daily Mass in Main Church
Social distancing and personal hygiene practices
No sign of peace and no Holy Water fonts.
No gift bearers, greeters, or servers
Cantor and accompanist only
Communion only on the hand and no cup
Nursery will not be open
Bulletins will be handled the same way so please check our Parish website
Collections and contributions handled as we have been
Baptisms will continue to be done separately
No communal anointing, but you can arrange one with one of the Priests
I am deeply grateful for all those who continue to find ways to support our financial needs.  If you wish to give online, please call the office.
Fr. Terry

  • Please note that all future Monthly Newsletters will be sent to the family e-mail address that we currently have on file for you.  We will also post the newsletters on our St. Michael website at:  www.stmichaelsfsd.org.  If you do not have an e-mail address, access to our website, or would prefer to have the newsletters mailed to you, please let us know.


Starting August 1st, you will be seeing another priest in the Parish.  Fr. Mark McGregor is a Jesuit priest who has served as a military chaplain in the Air Force.  His tour of duty has ended and he would like to transition into a Veteran’s Hospital Chaplain.  With this in mind, he has been accepted into a CPE program and will get hospital experience here at the Vet’s Hospital in Sioux Falls.
He has a mom and sister who live in Watertown, SD and is looking forward to having some time with them while he is here.
He belongs to a Jesuit Community home based in Portland, OR.  His experience will come through Creighton U Community in Omaha.  He will therefore be a priest in residence at St. Michael.  He will help out with some weekend and weekday Masses in exchange for room and board.  His time with us will be from August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021.
Fr. Mark has presented all the needed credentials to Bishop DeGrood and the Sioux Falls Diocese.
Fr. Krogman will enjoy having him around as they both share the experience of being a Chaplain in the Air Force and now with hospital ministry.  I am looking forward to having him here and hope you will as well.
I am sure we will get to hear more about him and his life once he is here.


June 28


June 21