June 21

Weekend Bulletin
Children’s Bulletin

SERVE Registration
Religious Ed Grade 1-6 Registration
Religious Ed Grade 7-8 Registration
High School Discipleship Registration

Fr Terry’s Teaching…

Father’s Day has had many meanings for me that have varied throughout the years. I have watched it celebrated in a variety of ways.  Obviously I have many memories of celebrating with my own dad. But the most memorable happened in a nursing home. I had the Friday morning mass there right before Father’s Day.  There was a young family there to visit grandpa. Sadly that day, grandpa was sickly, no energy and all he wanted to do was sleep. They family realized it was going to be hard to have any kind of conversation with him.  So in his room, they kneeled down and said a rosary. I walked in during the last decade and I saw grandpa with his eyes closed and a huge smile on his face. When they finished, each of them kissed his cheek. Tears dampened his face.
Then the family each took a bunch of daises and while the parents separated them, the children passed them out to all the male residents with a hug. I remember one man that the staff nicknamed “frowns” because he was gruff and always grumbling, got a flower and a hug from their young daughter. He was the only one not smiling. This bothered the young girl. She told her mother she would be right back. The daughter run out to the court yard in the middle of the nursing home and picked several dandelion flowers. She came back in and went up to that same man and to the surprise and shock of everyone present, rubbed the yellow flowers against his cheeks. There was a long stunned silence. Then that man began to laugh, a big belly laugh.  From that day on the staff nicknamed him “sunshine” and called him that to his face.  This always brought a smile to him.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.  And maybe if we are blessed, the kingdom of heaven will come to us through their joyful love.    Thanks to all Father’s who cooperate with god in blessing us with their children.


July Updates


Religious Ed