May 17


Weekend Bulletin
Children’s Bulletin

Deacon’s Digest 
May and Mary and Michael

After 6 weeks of no public liturgies we are finally coming back this weekend! What a relief and blessing this is to me and, I would guess, to you as well. Being away from Mass with a community has been a difficult journey for our priests. Their very purpose for being ordained as Sacramental Ministers is to offer sacrifice for God’s people, to bring God’s love and mercy and forgiveness and healing to them and to pray with them communally.

This has been hard on the people of St Michael Parish, too. We have a very lively parish where people stay after Mass and visit at length with their friends, go to coffee and donuts here or across the street at Hy Vee and minister in many ways at Mass and in other ways.

Please know that we have worked hard to come up with a plan that will allow you some confidence when attending Mass here. We have closed off rows of seats to encourage social distancing. We will have a process for coming to Communion that should keep everyone safe and sound. We are wiping down the chairs between Masses and keeping doors propped open so the handles won’t need to be touched. We have added two more Masses each weekend to allow more options and shrink the size of the crowds. Believe me, WE WANT YOU BACK! We can’t wait to see you and join you in prayer, worship and Sacrament.

As with everything that has to do with COVID19 things may change from time-to-time. New information and changing recommendations may come forth and we will do our best to keep you informed. The best place for you to access St Michael news is on our website: WWW.STMICHAELSFSD.ORG

This is May - a month of spring, of new life and warming temperatures. The days are getting longer, too. Today, the sunrise was at 6:06 and the sunset isn’t until 8:40 - that’s 14 and half hours of sun! May is usually about graduations and open houses and, in the Church, ordinations. A quick Google search shows that May is about May Day, Mother’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, and Memorial Day. It’s about the end of the school year and the beginning of summer break!

May is also about our Blessed Mother Mary. Did you ever wonder why? Here’s what I know - in ancient times the Greeks honored Artemis, their fertility God, in May and the Romans honored Flora - the Goddess of the new growth of vegetation and flowers. As time went on many different geographical areas of the Catholic Church honored Mary for a month but they were different months depending on location. In the nineteenth century the practice of honoring Mary in May came about in many areas and it gradually spread to the whole Church and continues today. Please spend some time with your family this month talking about Mary and her role in salvation history, praying the Rosary or any other Marian prayers. Mary is a powerful intercessor and could be a source of hope and healing if we call upon her.

Michael the Archangel is our patron and has been known to intercede for the end of plagues and epidemics in the past. Whenever you have a chance ask him to end this COVID19 pandemic. Pray the St Michael Prayer for protection for you and for our world. Look up the Litany to St Michael on the internet and pray that as you process through your home.

Above all, make this month a time of fun, of devotion, of prayer, of celebration and a time to participate in Mass once again.


Thoughts on the Rules We Observe


May 3