Thoughts on the Rules We Observe

Fr Terry’s Teaching…

My thoughts:
It is difficult to sometimes understand why all the rules and requirements. What has brought me peace is the understanding that when we are church, our family comes first rather than individuals first. Our church has always been counter cultural from Jesus’ time. Throughout history at our worse, man has always put forth the concept that we do things based upon the strongest member or strongest country/kingdom. Jesus teachings and example from the beginning is that we do things based upon the needs of the weakest. That every member of the family has dignity and value. Our rules and suggest requirements are our best ability to put the needs of others ahead of our own. To protect and cherish every member.
There have been lots of happening shown on news broadcasts to inspire. I share with you one and while doing so, I acknowledge not catching all the details but certainly the core of the story. A mother was teaching her kindergarten students and had to leave the room for something. Her 3 year old daughter takes over teaching how to know and put words to different shapes of things. She did an incredible job. She learned to do so by watching her mom.  The world discounts the value of so many people.
Remember we are Catholics not just by word or name, but also by our actions with one another. 



May 24


May 17