May 24

Weekend Bulletin
Children’s Bulletin

Fr Terry’s Teaching…

I was pleased at our first open Mass weekend. People who came were so grateful and gracious. The staff did a fantastic job of anticipating and carrying out through all our safety concerns. The Masses went without a hitch. The most frequent comment I heard was that I came to check out the safety factor before I bring my family or elderly. So I fully anticipate that this weekend will have larger crowds. Yet there are concerns we still need to follow to protect one another, mainly in the area of the masks. Remember Jesus challenged his followers to love, not a self love but a genuine love for all people, no matter what their situation in life. 
I remember being in Montrose on a Sunday when a huge snowstorm hit with tons of snow. Driving on the streets even with vehicles that had plows was extremely difficult if not impossible. There was no place to push the snow out of the way. I was convinced that we would not have mass that morning. Yet when the wind blew a certain way, it went down the chimney and would blow out the pilot light for our heating system. So I went over about 45 minutes before what would have been our first mass to check on it. These were the days when the church was never locked. Much to my surprise there were about 45 people there who had walked to church. And even more surprising was how many elderly people who should never be out in the storm were there. Needles to say, we had mass that morning. I asked all of them to call me to let me know they got home safe, especially the elderly.
I can’t help but admire our elderly who have reached the point in their lives, when they truly understand where God fits in their priority of life, the top. They are the ones who have a reason to stay home and really should. Yet they are the ones who come. Mass and the Eucharist is the most important thing in their life as they know death and heaven is coming. They are preparing in a special way for life to come. 
So let us follow in the example of our most compassionate savior, Jesus. Let us do things that ensure the safety of others out of the love that Jesus teaches us to have. 


June News


Thoughts on the Rules We Observe